
Different endings for simulacra 2
Different endings for simulacra 2

different endings for simulacra 2 different endings for simulacra 2

One by one, the workers of Halcyon surrendered themselves to the Program. She jettisoned the original colonists out of the Hope and transformed the ship into a massive storage facility. Sophia Akande converted the Labyrinth from a prison to a processing center. The Lifetime Employment Program began immediately-and the people of Halcyon did exactly what they were expected to do: they obeyed. Without any significant threats to challenge their power, the Board asserted their control over the colony.

different endings for simulacra 2

The riots in Tartarus ended in a total victory for the Board. The Board was gone, and for better or worse, the colony was responsible for its own destiny. In the years to come, Halcyon was forced to reckon with its newfound freedom. Some towns dissolved by attribution and starvation - but most of them found a way to carry on. Life was especially hard in the years to come. In the absence of the Board's authority, many of the colony's settlements banded together with a single purpose in mind: survival. The people of Halcyon were nothing if not hardy. With no way to return to Earth, they had no choice but to band together and devote themselves to the cause of saving Halcyon. The Hope's scientists and engineers woke up in a colony descending headlong into total collapse.

Different endings for simulacra 2